The Plenum, School of Etheric Sciences

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Since the publication of my first book “What is light? Wave Theory of Light and Origins of Ether in Science” I have started extensive research on the subject of my next book, which is more focused on the physics of ether and its historical development. During my research, I have stumbled upon the works of Dr. Rudolf Steiner and got interested in his descriptions of ether. However, after about nine month of exclusively reading his works, I found much greater depth than I expected. He has been a prolific author and lecturer with more than 300 volumes out of which about 150 volumes are translated into English. I am still learning and absorbing the wisdom and knowledge of Anthroposophy as a new student, however, I would like to share some of the key takeaways that stood out for me with regards to the School of Etheric Sciences:

  1. The nature of human endeavor for understanding the Truth is the primary struggle of our evolution.

  2. There are two major pitfalls for humanity. First, narrow-minded materialistic pursuit of science devoid of morality, humility and humanity. Second, blind mysticism and pursuit of false spirituality. Both of which would push us further away from the Truth.

  3. There are two organized, intelligent and conscious forces that are constantly opposing and deflecting the course of human evolution. One of them lies behind the objective reality of the material world and tries to bond humanity to material existence forever. The other one lives behind the inner depth of the subjective mind, and tries to lure humans to abandon the physical reality completely and move permanently into the world of dreamy imaginations. The task of humanity is to cross the narrow passage between these two cliffs.

  4. Science in its uncorrupted form is humanity’s only hope for redemption. Science must be enhanced while humanity enhances its tools but we forget that humans can enhance themselves by developing their own higher senses and higher faculty of intellect. If developed properly and carefully, imagination and intuition can become some of the best tools a scientist can rely upon for discovering objective Truth.