The Pendulum

“Ever since men began to think about Nature, philosophers have differed in their views respecting the primary constitution of bodies. When, with all the freshness of a first impulse, though unprovided with the barest means of verification, the human mind first went forth in search of physical truth, two paths at once appeared, leading to opposite poles, and both were trodden by pilgrims full of hope. Some found their satisfaction in contemplating the continuous fulness of the universe. They could imagine no gap in Nature, whose endless variety they were contented to refer to a principle of infinite divisibility and to the inter-play of contiguous elements whose changes were ordered by the mind that was interfused with all. To others, of a more analytical turn, it appeared impossible to account for the most obvious phenomena, except by the hypothesis of atoms moving in a void.” (Life of James Clerk Maxwell, page 273)

The pendulum of science has been swinging between two opposite poles: Atomism versus the Plenum. The swing has reached a peak in favor of Atomism and we are swinging towards the other pole again. The point is that by each swing we are supposed to gain more wisdom and get closer to the primordial Truth. The truth does not lie reposed in between. That is too simplistic. Truth is attained through the swing of a spiral. Ever expanding and ever contracting. First, the modern atomism has to be abolished. Second, the ether must be fully embraced and understood. Then, and only then, we will be offered a much higher point of view that integrates the entire spectrum fully and completely.


Descartes and Rohault Reviving the Inquiry


The Moral Compass