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Highlighted Review

Despite what some may say, science is far from settled. This book is a relatable explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of the various observations and theories about the true nature of light.

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mj fk mj fk

Descartes and Rohault Reviving the Inquiry

November 10 1619, was a life-changing night for then 23 years old French polymath Rene Descartes. He attended the coronation of Ferdinand II, the Holy Roman Emperor in September and was returning to join the Catholic army of Maximillian in Bavaria. Maximillian was preparing for a long war that would last for decades. Due to a harsh winter storm, Descartes had to stop in the small town of Ulm near Munich. That night, he sees three distinct dreams.

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mj fk mj fk

The Pendulum

The pendulum of science has been swinging between two opposite poles: Atomism versus the Plenum. The swing has reached a peak in favor of Atomism and we are swinging towards the other pole again. The point is that by each swing we are supposed to gain more wisdom and get closer to the primordial Truth.

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mj fk mj fk

The Moral Compass

An extension to the fundamental law of stupidity and law of one with an emphasis on the fact that service to self does not have to necessarily be in opposition to service to others. They can be viewed as two independent axis.

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mj fk mj fk

The inner and outer light

There is an inner-light and an outer-light. Inner-light is the light perceived by you as your insight which includes what you can see in sleep. The inner-light is linked to your imaginations, ideas, and thoughts. The outer light is the unmistakable sunshine that you see and feel on your skin when you are fully awake. This is my simplified version of entry into a long lasting debate of philosophers over objective or subjective reality of the world.

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Philosophy, Science mj fk Philosophy, Science mj fk


When we look at the night sky, we see a dark empty canvas dotted with tiny shiny objects representing isolated stars and planets. But by understanding Plenum, your mental picture changes. You are able to see these planets and stars because you are connected to them through the Plenum. The light passes through a great length of ether to reach you. Ether is the medium of light and the entire material world exists in it.

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Science, Philosophy mj fk Science, Philosophy mj fk

The Story

What if we could understand something much more profound about the universe? What if we could understand the Plenum, the continous fullness of the universe? This book is not merely a speculation about the history of science. It is ultimately about our destiny as human beings.

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Science mj fk Science mj fk

Out of the Cave

Behind the meaning of light, lies the meaning of your reality. Most often, in philosophical traditions, the light is associated with Truth.

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