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Light is not particle and wave at the same time

“You must bear in mind that the antagonisms that arise, above all the hostile personalities, are really, for the most part, puppets of the opposing Powers. For we are here in the field of activity of super-sensible Powers. These super-sensible Powers, to which Lucifer and Ahriman belong, naturally work in human life through human souls, which are simply their instruments.

Hence it is necessary to know exactly what is at issue in the one case or the other; but what is far and away the most necessary of all is that the acquisition of the faculty of clear, exact thinking shall never be neglected. You know that life itself has its contradictions, and Hegel built up his whole philosophy on this. It is not a question of avoiding the contradictions in life, for they are there. The essential thing is to recognise and be alert to them.

Ahriman and Lucifer can accomplish something only when a contradiction remains unnoticed, when we have neither the strength nor the will to lay it bare. Whenever we get entangled in a contradiction that we do not recognise as such but simply regard it as a natural part of life, this makes it possible for Lucifer and Ahriman to take possession of our soul.”

Rudolf Steiner


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The Secret of Alchemy

Here is the secret of alchemy: The philosopher stone, the red substance that turns copper into gold and gives you vigor and life force. It is a riddle and it is misunderstood. The riddle is talking about a specific element. The alchemists knew about base elements and their atomic weight. They also knew that elements are called elements exactly because they are not convertible to each other. The actual riddle is like this "What is the element that if you add its atomic weight to copper becomes the atomic weight of gold?" Incidentally, there is an element that is red in its most compounds and its atomic weight is almost equal to those of gold minus copper. This element happens to be crucial in the brain development, vitality, hormonal balance, resistance to infections, protection against parasites and cancer. It is necessary for keeping a healthy and vibrant body and sharp brain which is a precursor to development of human spirituality. This element is much needed for the activation of throat chakra. In Hinduism throat chakra also known as Vishuddha is the center for self expression, communication, emotion and creativity which are essential tools for any seeker of Truth or philosopher. Perhaps, Alchemists knew that lack of this substance in regular diets is a major obstacle for human evolution but they had to say it in codes and riddles.

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The Compass

“Some people are trying to replace the idea of good and bad with better or worse. This is incorrect! You have to keep your ethics intact because good and bad is a compass that helps you find the way. The person that only does what is better or worse is the easiest person to control. They are a mouse in a maze that just finds the cheese. But the one who knows about good and bad will realize that he is in a maze.” Dave Chapelle

Relativity in moral principles can only lead to disaster. Universe is vast, Nature is perfect, and Cosmos is limitless and does not require adherence to any moral principle, but if you are experiencing consciousness as a living human being on Earth, you do. There is hardly any more harmful confusion plaguing the intelligent and educated masses than the disconnect between the relativistic picture of the universe and the reality of living as a human being. You are part of the entire universe but let’s not forget that you are a living breathing human being right now. As a human being, You have a unique mission, a distinct direction and a precise orbit of projection. There is a difference between life and death, food and poison, light and darkness. Becoming sober and realizing the true purpose of your life is a big part of the mission. The modern academic thought promotes lethargy, and procrastination through its relativistic fallacy in every domain of life. Moral relativism obscures the line between good and bad. Without the compass, you end up with scientists who believe truth does not exist, artists who believe beauty does not exist, physicians who believe cure does not exist, lawyers who believe justice does not exist, etc. The relativistic world of economic ambitions is devoid of any noble pursuit of true, good, just or beautiful.

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Human Health

Human individuals are cells of a larger living organism. As in every living being when a part becomes ill, it affects the entire being. Illness is not evil, it is just a natural process. Sometimes it is necessary to go through the pain of sickness to cleanse the body and to come out healthier. The current sickness of mankind had been inflicting us since the latter part of nineteenth century and has been becoming progressively worse. The chronic condition has been growing its roots deep inside human psyche and now the painful blisters are manifesting in government, media, corporations, international entities, etc. The fear-based control and manipulation comes from greed and lust for power and creates a destructive vortex around itself. A parasite functions in a similar way. It builds layers of toxins around itself while manipulating the immune system and feeding off the host organism. The parasite feeds on its power of corruption and keeps promoting unhealthy cells. It will proliferate and continue as long as it has more food. As soon as it runs out of new territory, it will starve and self destruct due to the nature of destructive forces that surround it. The only question is whether or not the parasite can destroy its host before its inevitable doom. The root of this sickness is inside all of us. We need to de-worm ourselves from greed, ignorance and deception for humanity to recover. Love, beauty, and truth is the combination that lurkers of darkness avoid at all cost. Stay in the realm of love and be protected. Avoid becoming the food of this parasite. It is starving now.

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Climate Alarmism

There is one thing everyone can do immediately that will have an impact on global warming, whether old or young, rich or poor, and that is to simply ignore all climate alarmists. The global warming is being used as an umbrella term for a mixed bag of pseudo-scientific jargon and non-stop propaganda to keep the population in a state of fear, shame and helplessness easing them into total servitude under the emerging global power grab. The alarmist mind-set comes from scarcity, fear, control and manipulation. The best remedy is to focus all your attention on love, compassion and respect for all beings and keep on living free, abundant and happy lives. Enormous sums of money and resources have been channeled for several decades in an orchestrated effort to push the narrative of climate alarmism in politics, media and academia, but it can be easily nullified by a simple act of conscious shift from fear-based mindset to love-based mind-set.

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Music & Mood

It all begins with an idea.

Here is my creation! Free, unfiltered, raw, and organic. It is my improvisation in the form of words, music, website, book and a school at the same time. Most of all it is a reflection of my mood.

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