Climate Alarmism

There is one thing everyone can do immediately that will have an impact on global warming, whether old or young, rich or poor, and that is to simply ignore all climate alarmists. The global warming is being used as an umbrella term for a mixed bag of pseudo-scientific jargon and non-stop propaganda to keep the population in a state of fear, shame and helplessness easing them into total servitude under the emerging global power grab. The alarmist mind-set comes from scarcity, fear, control and manipulation. The best remedy is to focus all your attention on love, compassion and respect for all beings and keep on living free, abundant and happy lives. Enormous sums of money and resources have been channeled for several decades in an orchestrated effort to push the narrative of climate alarmism in politics, media and academia, but it can be easily nullified by a simple act of conscious shift from fear-based mindset to love-based mind-set.


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