Human Health

Human individuals are cells of a larger living organism. As in every living being when a part becomes ill, it affects the entire being. Illness is not evil, it is just a natural process. Sometimes it is necessary to go through the pain of sickness to cleanse the body and to come out healthier. The current sickness of mankind had been inflicting us since the latter part of nineteenth century and has been becoming progressively worse. The chronic condition has been growing its roots deep inside human psyche and now the painful blisters are manifesting in government, media, corporations, international entities, etc. The fear-based control and manipulation comes from greed and lust for power and creates a destructive vortex around itself. A parasite functions in a similar way. It builds layers of toxins around itself while manipulating the immune system and feeding off the host organism. The parasite feeds on its power of corruption and keeps promoting unhealthy cells. It will proliferate and continue as long as it has more food. As soon as it runs out of new territory, it will starve and self destruct due to the nature of destructive forces that surround it. The only question is whether or not the parasite can destroy its host before its inevitable doom. The root of this sickness is inside all of us. We need to de-worm ourselves from greed, ignorance and deception for humanity to recover. Love, beauty, and truth is the combination that lurkers of darkness avoid at all cost. Stay in the realm of love and be protected. Avoid becoming the food of this parasite. It is starving now.


The Compass


Climate Alarmism