The Secret of Alchemy

Here is the secret of alchemy: The philosopher stone, the red substance that turns copper into gold and gives you vigor and life force. It is a riddle and it is misunderstood. The riddle is talking about a specific element. The alchemists knew about base elements and their atomic weight. They also knew that elements are called elements exactly because they are not convertible to each other. The actual riddle is like this "What is the element that if you add its atomic weight to copper becomes the atomic weight of gold?" Incidentally, there is an element that is red in its most compounds and its atomic weight is almost equal to those of gold minus copper. This element happens to be crucial in the brain development, vitality, hormonal balance, resistance to infections, protection against parasites and cancer. It is necessary for keeping a healthy and vibrant body and sharp brain which is a precursor to development of human spirituality. This element is much needed for the activation of throat chakra. In Hinduism throat chakra also known as Vishuddha is the center for self expression, communication, emotion and creativity which are essential tools for any seeker of Truth or philosopher. Perhaps, Alchemists knew that lack of this substance in regular diets is a major obstacle for human evolution but they had to say it in codes and riddles.


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