The Compass

“Some people are trying to replace the idea of good and bad with better or worse. This is incorrect! You have to keep your ethics intact because good and bad is a compass that helps you find the way. The person that only does what is better or worse is the easiest person to control. They are a mouse in a maze that just finds the cheese. But the one who knows about good and bad will realize that he is in a maze.” Dave Chapelle

Relativity in moral principles can only lead to disaster. Universe is vast, Nature is perfect, and Cosmos is limitless and does not require adherence to any moral principle, but if you are experiencing consciousness as a living human being on Earth, you do. There is hardly any more harmful confusion plaguing the intelligent and educated masses than the disconnect between the relativistic picture of the universe and the reality of living as a human being. You are part of the entire universe but let’s not forget that you are a living breathing human being right now. As a human being, You have a unique mission, a distinct direction and a precise orbit of projection. There is a difference between life and death, food and poison, light and darkness. Becoming sober and realizing the true purpose of your life is a big part of the mission. The modern academic thought promotes lethargy, and procrastination through its relativistic fallacy in every domain of life. Moral relativism obscures the line between good and bad. Without the compass, you end up with scientists who believe truth does not exist, artists who believe beauty does not exist, physicians who believe cure does not exist, lawyers who believe justice does not exist, etc. The relativistic world of economic ambitions is devoid of any noble pursuit of true, good, just or beautiful.


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Human Health