

When we look at the night sky, we see a dark empty canvas dotted with tiny shiny objects representing isolated stars and planets. But by understanding Plenum, your mental picture changes. You are able to see these planets and stars because you are connected to them through the Plenum. The light passes through a great length of ether to reach you. Ether is the medium of light and the entire material world exists in it.

What is light? You might have heard that light is made of photons. You might have been taught at school that light is a wave or particle depending on how we look at it. You most likely have no problem imagining that light propagates through vacuum as tiny bullets, and vacuum is nothingness. These ideas are presented to you as scientific facts. However, the scientific discoveries of the past couple of centuries have consistently pointed towards a different reality about light. Light is a wave. It is not made up of particles and it does not have a dual nature. You may imagine it as the ripples on the surface of a pond when a stone is thrown in it. The surface of water at each point goes up and down but you see the wave propagating outwards. 

You intuitively know what a wave is. Waves are the patterns created when perturbations propagate through a medium. There is a medium in which these small perturbations propagate within. If light exists then the medium in which it travels must exist. If we can see the light coming to us from every corner of the universe then that medium must be extended everywhere. The medium of light is known as luminiferous ether and the entire ocean of ether is known as the Plenum. Ether is so fine in its constitution, intricate in its function, and pervasive in its existence that it fills the space inside and between atoms, molecules, your body, planets, stars and galaxies. 

Light is the perturbation of ether and behaves as demonstrated by Christiaan Huygens in the mid 1600s and as mathematically described by Auguste Fresnel in the early 1800s. The wave theory of light had been established as the correct description of the phenomenon of light and all of its attributes by all experiments. Fresnel described light as a two dimensional oscillation of ether perpendicular to its propagation. It is still the only accurate description and the only useful formula for calculating the behavior of light in practical applications from fiber optics to electron microscopes. The Huygens-Fresnel wave theory of light is the pinnacle of natural science. The proper experimental and theoretical foundations for understanding the physical attributions of Ether were proposed by George Sagnac at the beginning of the 20th century.

Within the past several centuries, natural philosophy and science had a love and hate relationship with the idea of ether. We are told that the theory of ether has been discredited and proven wrong at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, every time ether was rejected, it has unavoidably come back with more evidence and reclaimed its correctness with stronger conviction. Today, scientists entertain themselves with ideas such as duality of light, dark matter, dark energy, string theory, God particles, etc. All these confusing and even contradictory amusements are generously proliferated, turned into documentaries and even taught at schools, but the mere mention of ether sends shivers down the spine of physicists. 

Light is electromagnetic in nature, because ether is the origin of electricity and magnetism. Atoms and all the physical matter that make our visible world are only a fractional manifestation of the ethereal world. This has been known to wise men for many millennia and was rediscovered and proven by science many times over including in the nineteenth century. There is one unifying concept behind all advancements and revelations in physics. Despite the common myth, ether has never been out of the picture. A careful examination of the historical development of science, reveals this unifying thread. The concept of ether is intricately linked to the meaning of light, heat, electricity, magnetism, atoms, quantoms, plasma, gravity, and cosmology, but goes far beyond them. Ether is the elephant in the dark room of science.

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