True Nature of Light

The best kept open secret of modern science

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Mysteries of Light and Ether - A Revolution in Physics Awaits

Have you ever felt that something fundamental is missing from our understanding of light, physics, and the universe itself? This groundbreaking book shatters conventional wisdom and reignites the lost science of ether – a revolutionary concept that will reshape your view of reality.

Imagine a world where the wave theory of light, once hailed as the pinnacle of science, is resurrected and its profound implications are laid bare. Prepare to be amazed by geometrical wonders, historical revelations, and intricate scientific details that will challenge your deepest beliefs about the nature of our cosmos.

All concepts and experiments are explained in the simplest possible way with ample examples, bypassing complex mathematical equations. You do not need to be a physicist or mathematician to understand this book. But, you need to be dedicated to truth and have an open mind, and if necessary verify the facts for yourself and form your own opinion. Only those truly hungry for scientific truth and willing to invest the effort will reap the rewards of this exploration.

If you answer the call, you will:

  • Unravel the mystery of light's true nature, exposing the flaws in mainstream physics' paradoxical descriptions.

  • Understand why relativity and quantum physics have become tangled in unnecessary complexity and paradoxes.

  • Develop profound compassion for the physicists who have dedicated their lives to advancing our knowledge.

  • Discover the foundational error that has crippled science, preventing it from embracing coherence and truth.

  • Regain the sense of wonder and joy that comes from genuine scientific discovery, free from commercialized popular science.

Join the revolution and let this book be your guide to a daring new frontier in physics – one where ether takes its rightful place and the universe finally makes sense. Together, we can correct science's past mistakes and introduce a transformative understanding of light, the cosmos, and the very essence of reality itself.
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Majid Fekri